If you’re feeling Suicidal about Life, Read This.

Emilio Salinas
9 min readMay 31, 2020

What makes life worth living?

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Cute puppies, maybe? Good food? A pretty lady or a hunky guy? Maybe a successful job. Satisfying your sex drive? Drugs? Do these things make life worth living?

Do these things keep you going?

Well, that depends on who you are and what your interests are. Then again, I guess you can think about it in a more cut and dry way.

Like saying your life is only worth living if you are happy… or live a certain lifestyle… or practice a certain religion.

But… I’d say it’s different for everyone. And I’ll also say that what people think they want or need, is NOT what they need most of the time. People need to be aware of themselves and their reasoning and motives. A lot of people in this world end up chasing the wind for their own selfish reasons, and when they realize they are chasing nothing but meaningless things, suicide always seems like a top option.

The big problem is… people will not realize they are chasing the wind, until it’s to late.

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

(It’s a life lesson everyone has to learn and go through… and some don’t even learn their lesson. Some people are idiots and keep on chasing the wind. Like a dog going back to it’s own vomit. It’s very sad. So if that’s you, please stop. Anyway back to my little rant here.)

This realization and misleading way of living…It happens to everyone. Not just poor people or people who have it worse than others.

It’s happens to people who have nothing, and have everything.

One could have everything in the world that they would want and, have done everything they wanted to do under the sun but still feel like… what’s the point.

This happens to celebrities, politicians, CEOs, business managers, McDonald’s employees, parents, teenagers… it’s a real epidemic. Why?

Photo by Jonathan Rados on Unsplash

I think it’s because people loose or never found their purpose. Their meaning. Their own point to their own life. Because they are to busy trying to satisfy this illusion… of their selfish hunger for what they want or what they think they need.

This part is important!

(There are lots of other reasons for suicide and depression, but this one reason, is a big reason. If their is another reason why you are feeling suicidal, comment it and I will write about it. As for right now, really quick. The point of still living and not committing suicide is to find a point. Find a reason to live. Do something for a cause. Stay for your family, friends, loved ones, anything that is an excuse to stay alive. Their are amazing people in this world. Their are people in this world who need help, you maybe could help them. You might have an experience or a skill that you could share with someone and help for a good cause.

Do something, find a point to this world and keep it close and change the world for the better. You are not worthless. You mean everything to this world and another life that could use your help. You have probably been through a lot. Let me tell you that their are other people in this world that are going through things 10x as worse then what you are going through. Then, their are people that are going through things that are a little less harder then what you are going through, and because you are stronger for going through more, you can help them. Find them, relate to them, and help them. Be a older sibling to the people that need it. Be a big brother or a big sister to the people that lost their dad, but you lost both your parents a couple years earlier. Be their for people who lost their job, when you lost your house and job a while ago and you can give them advice to get them back on their feet. Be the reason for someone else to choose life instead of suicide. You can do it, it’s going to be alright.)

Photo by Garrett Sears on Unsplash

What was the point?

What is the point?

To satisfy my hunger?

Well I’m not satisfied!

I’m still always hungry!

I get everything I want and do anything I want.

My hunger for everything I want should be satisfied but it’s not.

It actually feels like I’m getting hungrier… for something.

But I don’t know what will fulfill this hunger.

I’ll get back to what will truly feed your “hunger” soon but first, I want to let you know of another reason why you might feel “hungry” and lost.

Maybe sometimes it’s not because of their selfish ways but sometimes it’s their selfless ways that they seem to loose.

Like parents letting go of their last child they raised… realizing that a big part of their lives is over… and they feel like their purpose is done. They don’t know what to do next and they fall into a depression.

The Office; “Safety Training” Season 3, Episode 20.

When you loose any selfless purpose in life, it’s probably time to try out a selfish one.

Being selfish is not necessary bad, but to much of anything is a bad thing.

You need to have a balance of both.

You can’t be to selfish, or you’ll just end up over indulging yourself and start chasing the wind.

(Chasing a dream, or someone, or something that will not satisfy you.)

If you’re to selfless, you might go overboard and bless everyone around you but then you’re left with nothing, staving, because you gave everything away.

Don’t get me wrong, It’s a noble thing to be generous but depending on the situation. It can also be a very stupid thing to do.

If you bless a hobo by giving him all your money, he might get food, or he might go get some drugs he’s been craving.

You have to be smart with your selflessness.

Don’t accidentally or purposely encourage someone’s problem.

When you can, help them or get them help.

If you are try to figure out what will satisfy your hunger… stop.

Stop and think about something else, besides yourself, for a change.

Instead of trying to feed your hunger, feed someone else’s hunger.

Metaphorically or literally.

The same passion or drive you have for your selfish ways… bring them over and turn them into your selfless ways.

They same way you go out of your way to get what you want or need, is the same way you should act when being selfless.

Go out of your way for someone else or something else.

Though it is very very… VERY IMPORTANT… that you keep a balance between self-lessness and selfish-ness.

Photo by TETrebbien on Unsplash

This world is very good at being evil and selfish, that’s why I’m taking more about being selfless then selfish. You probably already know how to be selfish.

If you don’t, bless you, but also learn to be a little selfish if people are saying you need to be selfish. Like I said though…

Balance is one of the most important keys to everything in life, especially this topic.

Next to that is perspective but we can talk about perspective another time.

If your trying to figure out why you should stay alive, I can give you loads of reasons.

The Marvel’s Cinematic Universe is still going on even after “Endgame”, so that’s something to look forward to (lol).

I don’t know. I guess that’s what I tell myself when I feel like not living anymore (lol).

But seriously, I think about my family.

My brothers… I’m the oldest… and if I were to… end it all, they would be so… I don’t know, I just know it wouldn’t be good and I would never want to make my family go through something like that.

I love my family.

I love my friends too but for me, I think my family is more important. Friends matter too but they got there own lives, you know?

They’ll be alright, even if I was gone. Though my family wouldn’t. So that’s a main reason to live for me. My family.

Photo by Victor Garcia on Unsplash

Look at your life and find main reasons to live. It helps. It helped me and puts my head back on track. You might not be everything you were dreaming to be or wanted to be or needed to be…

But it’s ok. Things will be ok.

Cry. It’s good to cry sometimes. Maybe punch a wall if you need too… or a pillow… that might be a better idea. Try not to hurt yourself and definitely don’t hurt anyone else.

Be alone if you need too.

Call for help from family, friends, or a hotline number if you need to. Some people need company. Some people need to be alone.

If you don’t know what you need. Give yourself time to breath, or cry, or be angry. Let your emotions out in a healthy way. Or a way that don’t hurt anyone. And try not to hurt yourself either. Then catch your breath. Then figure out what you need to do next and what you really truly need. Maybe this number will help.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

And I know sometimes calling these numbers seems tedious.

Sometimes if feels like your talking to a robot, but it’s going to be a step in the right direction, I promise.

They’ll probably be a person to get your information first and then you’ll be put though to a counselor.

Hope I have helped.

Think about what I have said about balancing selfishness and selflessness in your life.

It will help give your life more meaning.

Might spice it up a little bit.

The point of life is to try and find a point to life.

I know it sounds stupid but it is.

And sometimes points of life change.

Like a point to life could be taking care of your kids.

The next could be taking care of your wife.

The next could be learning how to play guitar.

Another could be learning how to become a bee keeper to save the bees.

It’s just examples. Don’t look at me weird. I’m not weird I’m just thinking out loud I guess.

Find your meaning. Find your purpose. Find your balance in life.

Be something, do something, learn something.

Don’t be quick to give up. Only give up when you know it’s not the job for you or thing for you.

Some people are meant for things that others are not meant for.

Some people can’t act.

Some people can’t fix a car.

Some people can’t be bee keeper.

But that doesn’t mean those people are out of a job or a thing to do.

They just have to keep looking for that thing, that job, that person, that activity, that fits with them.

It takes time so be patient.

Look at different perspectives everyday, not just your own.

Always strive for balance in everything you do.

and what ever you do, never give up on your own life.

Stay safe and stay strong.



Emilio Salinas

Musician~Filmmaker~Gamer~Writer~ Follow me on Twitch and Twitter @sleepyandcomp. I am always looking to learn something new and then share it with the world.